
July 13, 2011

Life, Love... and that big huge number

Isn't she lovely...

My life is filled with love and joy from good people, great family and a few friends who I am very fortunate to be surrounded by. I am tumbling rapidly into my 4th decade and this walk has been a bit more tumultuous than I anticipated since the new moon arrived. I welcomed this moon with a bit of abandon and perhaps that was a flawed approach, as now I am hesitant and a perhaps even bit surly as the fullness of my moon approaches. I am uncertain where or why the surly has joined the party, and I will do some exploration of that very soon... nerves perhaps... all this energy that surrounds me... so many possibilities, so much undone that needs doing... so many good things on my horizon... like this and this! Not to mention, the revamp the house here will be getting soon with new paint and fencing for the dogs (or more accurately to calm our neurosis) !

The pendant above arrived on Monday with a Good Karma ticket and even more love than I have words to express. A very dear friend, with the kindest soul, a heart that gives without thinking what comes next and a love that never stops gifted me and I haven't taken it off since it arrived! Thank you again Kathryn Marie... you are awesomely amazing.

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