
May 11, 2011

becoming.... Brave.

The facts, as I have had to face them... is that I am... not so brave. I am at times, quite terrified and have found myself frozen... with doubt.

What if they don't grow?
What if it doesn't taste good?
What if I can't do it?
What if you don't like it?
What if ... the list is endless really and there I stand, frozen... "what if'd" in mere moments, nano-seconds...

And then, there is... What if ... they do? and it does? and I can and you do?

I'm gonna figure it out... and tonight with the help of *this* cool new person in my "people who teach me cool stuff" list.... I created the cover of my Becoming Brave art journal... I'll post more pages as they come, I took time today to start the 21Secrets I've been dying to start, yet procrastinating...??!!?? doing.

1 comment:

  1. I am so there with you,,,,I am not Brave! I have more what if's in my mind than carter has liver pills. I am a procrastinator and I'm thinking that I should make myself a Becoming Brave art journal and see how many "What if's" I can slay in the pages of this journal.
    Thank you for this post.


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