
March 8, 2011

Control... and my little dots . . .

My mother is a controller, my grandmother before her and if I am to understand correctly, the women before them were equally as strong willed and ... enjoyed a bit of control in their lives too. I am wildly attracted to the strong, confident nature of these women and fall in love with their passion... Knowing this and being... umm... me... I do try daily to give up control in some of the things I do... Admittedly, I have my moments of failure. Complete and total failure.... and some times, this is like swallowing a bitter cough remedy... others... like whistling with crackers in my mouth.

My truths . . .
I believe in rules... guidelines... disciplines... rights and wrongs... karmic justices

I believe charity starts at home... in your heart... with a smile... and it is contagious

I believe in honesty... truths... all sides of the story... and forgiveness

I believe in honor... for yourself... for your family... and for how you behave

I believe in having faith... no matter how many times someone tries to poke holes in your beliefs

I believe in no hurtful words... because sticks and stones may not break bones but words have always hurt me... and healed me

I cannot control how you will behave, what rules you will follow, what goodness you will do, what truths you will tell, who you will honor or have faith in... I can though, tell you again, that you are loved, you are one of a kind, you are amazing, you can do anything, and that I have faith in you...

... I live everyday with my heart on my sleeve and with all the tears that may fall, each new day I start fresh with the belief that you and I will succeed to be the very best we can be...

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