
March 29, 2011

Weekend Additions

The previous week, and this weekend has been very event-filled...

There has been the addition of Buffy, who loves to eat.... and has to have her lighting changed twice daily...

Then, we adopted Chunk here... (which this is unfortunately, not his name... he is still nameless 10 days later...) with his cell mate Hazel Abigail, who is camera shy... they took us on a whirlwind spin through the vet office for three days in a row. Including sub-cue fluids and five different RX's .... umm... not what we really anticipated.... nor did the eight other cats, when they were banished from the house for an indeterminable time frame while the healing began. Sinusitis was an understatement. This is why I do so dislike shelter's and center adoptions.... but understand completely, why they are needed as we get ready to enter kitty season. Please people, if you don't spay/neuter GET YOUR HEAD CHECKED! I am serious, this is a life saving procedure! There are too many cats, dogs, turtles, snakes, frogs and innumerable other pets out there that are surrendered or abandoned.... and when left to their own devices, these cats/dogs just have babies like bunnies... and that's no joke fellas.

If these below are small-ish, click'em to see them big like... The Teen, and her guy friend, made one kick ass fence and gate combo for Joe & Charley, who were very appreciative and excited to be let out of man-cave where they were rushed to when it began to rain on our day party of outdoor projects... a common occurrence of late (the rain, not goats, in the man-cave)...

Girl, and the Boy were my brute muscles and dug up a boat load of agapantha's gone wild... we replaced these with a variety of perennials.... we did the same thing under the carport area, which was also inundated with aggies... there was MUCH love for those buggers here... YEARS of lovin.... we have relocated approximately 250 plants.

The non-pictured beauties include 3 salvia, 2 lavender, a rosemary, I am still in search of some specific sage varieties, and Girl is convinced we can find some wild wisteria rather than hit up the nursery... it is growing EVERYWHERE I look ... and it is gorgeous!!!!

And now.... it's time to sort and sow the herb garden....

March 21, 2011

Yard Bites

Wild Weed Salad

1/2 cup young henbit leaves
1/2 cup young dandelion leaves
1 cup lamb's quarter new leaves
butter lettuce, torn as much or not as you wish
1/2 cup tender nasturtium & violet leaves, torn
1/4 cup chive blossoms
1/4 cup rose petals
1/2 cup nasturtium & violet flowers
2 tsp. fresh mint chopped fine & bruised
2 TBL chopped basal
2 cloves minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste

Dressing of choice & crumbled cheese if you're up for it!

I've had this post for a while (and this recipe! ... so sorry can't find the original source :/! ) However, I was sharing with the Girl tonight, that even the most desired of "own-selfness" time has escaped ... no ran like FloJo out of my reach for more than a month now... everything I've actually done... and the tasks/projects that sit in partial abandon has felt heavy... cumbersome.

When there is unrest in my charming space, the first thing to take cover, is my ability to keep fences. It is not something new to me, yet each time I find myself in this situation, it's like a splash of cold water raining over me .... jarring and unnerving. However, the thing I've noticed lately... I'm able to honestly and without fear say out loud...
!Hey... ya'll are messin' with my mojo!
Which leads to wonderful things ... like me writing without guilt tonight, even if it's quickly while the house-peeps, barkers and new kittens snore softly all around me... I get to indulge breifly dreaming about this because ...sigh ... love it.... and gosh, there is this super wish that time is running out on :/ !! And if I could keep this teeny tiny fence up... maybe just maybe I can make it to this awesome Part II.

OK... this farmer chick has set a list of chores longer than her pant leg for the mornin... which will be here in a few short ticks... sorry for my lapse, I'm workin' on better fencing.

March 8, 2011

Control... and my little dots . . .

My mother is a controller, my grandmother before her and if I am to understand correctly, the women before them were equally as strong willed and ... enjoyed a bit of control in their lives too. I am wildly attracted to the strong, confident nature of these women and fall in love with their passion... Knowing this and being... umm... me... I do try daily to give up control in some of the things I do... Admittedly, I have my moments of failure. Complete and total failure.... and some times, this is like swallowing a bitter cough remedy... others... like whistling with crackers in my mouth.

My truths . . .
I believe in rules... guidelines... disciplines... rights and wrongs... karmic justices

I believe charity starts at home... in your heart... with a smile... and it is contagious

I believe in honesty... truths... all sides of the story... and forgiveness

I believe in honor... for yourself... for your family... and for how you behave

I believe in having faith... no matter how many times someone tries to poke holes in your beliefs

I believe in no hurtful words... because sticks and stones may not break bones but words have always hurt me... and healed me

I cannot control how you will behave, what rules you will follow, what goodness you will do, what truths you will tell, who you will honor or have faith in... I can though, tell you again, that you are loved, you are one of a kind, you are amazing, you can do anything, and that I have faith in you...

... I live everyday with my heart on my sleeve and with all the tears that may fall, each new day I start fresh with the belief that you and I will succeed to be the very best we can be...