
January 9, 2012

♥ Cancer Moon for Me ♥

Cancer Moon - Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTI 
"This Full Moon is a time of acceptance, a time to stand before the mirror and see everything about ourselves, within and without knowing that it is all who we are. It all has a place. It all has its role. It's not for us to judge which bits should be there and which shouldn't. Everything is here for a reason. Only then can we recognize the beautiful poetry that lies within the apparently random nature of our hearts and minds. To do this under the light of the Full Moon, is to receive the deepest blessings from the heart of the Great Mother. So, embrace and enjoy....."  Sarah Varcas wrote this and you can read this Cancer Moon article in its entirety, and other astrological wonderments from her well organized website find her here, on FaceBook too!

Having lived these last forty plus years learning to come out of my hardened crab shell, allowing the tender parts of me to flow forth (and good goddess knows, I can FLOW FORTH with the best of them...  with tears sometimes refusing to stop regardless of the threats I try to enforce upon them...) I gave in sometime ago, I just let them roll, because they, like the pull of the moon, know what it is that needs to be washed out, let go and once it's done... well I am lighter, balanced, free-minded and able to focus on what it is that will benefit *me*, my family, the situation at hand... the future we're facing and the space in between. This isn't to say that when the current ebbs it doesn't result in another free flowing round of face wash... because when Lady Cancer ebbs! OY! This California girl, with her southern drawl ebbs with the best of them!  What I'm trying to say, is that Mother Nature, Mother Earth, the Creator, Luna and the grand Sun I love to warm myself with, they tie so closely to all of us, and celebrating ourselves, and remembering to honor the place we are in is just as important to how our daily lives function. 

As I sit here, watching the rain flow down (we're anticipating another 3 days of rain, it began yesterday... felt like a perfect way to begin my Cancer moon phase,) I feel a grand welcome to the adventure I'm on, the forward movement I'm making. I put my registration to the SQUAM by the Sea into the post this morning... I *wish beyond wishes* that I could manage a visit to the New Hampshire fun, but I am living within the means given and setting realistic goals for myself (and household!) for some other things that are on my horizon! And I KNOW KNOW KNOW that I will get to see these lovely Goddess Beauties again!
Android Global @ OBX Serendipity Bliss 2011
And that just makes my wee little heart soar like you wouldn't believe... if only the tantalizing and sassy Kate Inglis would conjure herself into the midnight ocean would my trip be perfection before it began!

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