This prompt, from the
52 Photos Project.... difficult... and I hadn't found much around the house or the few brief errands that called out to be captured with the camera. A hazard of hermitage. I was wound up in winding up a project and trying to finish about 9 other things that made life with new snaps, even the ones I "neeeded" to take, difficult. On the phone with my Grandmother tonight she quite randomly told me I could "borrow" her anything... (we were talking about people we could rely upon in times of ... everything/anything/nothing in particular.)
We talk daily, others go months without contact, she claims she understands busy schedules and ... I call bullshit.
But I'll borrow anything she wants to lend out... the stories, the random advices, the cool idea's for planting my seedlings in egg cartons... keep it comin' Gramma xoxo
thank you for sharing, what a lucky woman you are to be so gifted with a wonderful Grandmother.