
May 27, 2011

Over .... done

So, I've been toiling about a bunch of it all... and days like today, when I THINK (bad idea sometimes) that I've got my favorite comfy, get down to business big girl panties on... it really smacks me hard when I realize, not only have they morphed into some 1980's G string that has gotten lost and is crawling the WRONG way searching for the exit... they are inside out to boot.

The past few days have taken me on a spin and I'm just trying not to pass out from the dizzy feeling. This feeling of overwhelmed is way over done. I'm taking a time out (if you couldn't already tell...)

I've been trying and trying to force the text onto these pages... but I can't even seem to find a photo I like enough... and in the Art Shed... it's worse (oh yes, my Emotional Evolution is not evolving... the Abstract Adventure led me down a dead end and I would like to take a trip with another of these amazing teachers, but ... cooked) (yes, my head is a bit low)

I've been trying and trying to catch up on the weeding in the and I think its a conspiracy, because now there are mushroom thingies in between the non-carrot looking thingies and the two rows I just so diligently plucked... are beginning to wimper in protest about enemies approaching. The brocolli has sprouted flowers (again?!) which means I'm desperately doing something wrong up there and there are so many bugs that I am darn near convinced I was wrong again, and this isn't MY garden, it's theirs. I went to a neighbor, whom I have not met to see how they are keeping things so free of weeds and the like... no one was home to speak with, but a cursury glance showed a lot of chemicals and a drip line.... Chemicals, I'm not a fan of... the drip line made a lightbulb appear, then again, I'm back to how to fix the well, which has no electricity, but HAD electricity at some point, yet there seems to be NO ONE who can tell us where that "switch" should be so we can get it tested/fixed (yada yada yada) ..... and the beat goes on....

One cat with a hazy eye, one with a thorn in his foot, refusing medical attention (and causing a fitful nights rest because he REFUSED to go into the barn at dinner time!! and ran into the forest to sleep /grrrr), and the one who likes to bite has at least two freshly burst absesses on his arthritic foot.... there are seven others... yes, I'm afraid to look closely. (not really, all others are healthy and seemingly happy, except Olive, who is the Teen's cat, and has an annoyed teenager's attitude... (this is her typical behavior, no worries there).)

"the" Boy who's baseball team is on a 'bye' week and he thinks this means that someone here needs to be the entertainment staff, yet when the Teen agrees to play catch... he doesn't want to anymore! (Can I just say.... this does NOT help keep hold of the waning patience, this mom is desperately clinging to) One of the many GOOD parts about the Boy which can't go untold: EOG's are complete and he is as smart as he thinks he is, (well as far as the books go! haha!!) Scored 99% in Science, and Level 3 Reading, Level 4 Math... all that to say, he will be in the Gifted program when he enters middle school next year!

I know people have it worse in life... but reality is (my reality), worlds are individual, specific and quite pertinant to how you go about your daily routine. I see the big picture and get up every day with big designs and goals with great purpose and intent.... you (me) can't do every.thing for whether that is dealing only with family, only with work, only with students, your boss... or only with YOU (me), or a combination of all of it.

I need help, I need workable solutions... and I need time outs.

What do you need?

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