
February 8, 2011

The quiche and kids...

Today was mildly unproductive, as I awoke feeling as if I hadn't slept at all. So after being grumpy in my own head while I quietly made breakfasts, lunches and scurried first the Girl, then the Teen... and finally an hour and a half later, the Boy out the door this morning, goats fed, cats roaming the yard, dogs doody done... I went back to sleep... and I had pals... 2 dogs, an old lady cat and 10 minutes... out I went.

I finished the afternoon with a couple glasses of wine, some super yummy parmesan bread (which was totally not needed for dinner, but I can never stop eating it...) and that spinach quiche in the picture above... which was definately not an instant hit with the Boy. He revealed that spinach is not a favorite... I am going to have to figure out what happened to my vegetabletarian... he also tried to convince me that he doesn't like brocolli either. This growing up thing has got to stop ... it's quite annoying. Between these new food dislikes and his teenage sister's insistance at being a teenage sister... I'm not entirely sure I haven't turned down the road to complete insanity and just missed the sign.... (I keep looking around, but it LOOKS like home....)

Since I mentioned the Teen, I should note, that she has entered the world of the broken hearted. But I only know this because we force her to leave her room rather than stay holed up like a bear in hibernation. I find myself wondering if there isn't some motivational training course for mothers of teenage daughters that I should be enrolling myself in for back to back trainings... and the motivation part... it needs to be huge... like gianormously magnificient... I could NOT have been this much trouble as a teen... there is NO way!? right? No... I wasn't.... I just ... no. ... sigh. Well, I made it PAST teenage years, so that part is good right? I just hope her years are a bit less ..? ... teenage ?? flapjacks on Tuesdays I don't know.... (but I was NOT this dramatic! that I know!)

OK, well it will all start again tomorrow I'm certain of it... and I do look forward to the sunrises these days, not only beautiful, but I get to drink my coffee and watch her rise nearly everyday and that is such an amazing and new thing and I have NOT grown tired of that... And I have a couple of things that I'm planning for tomorrow and it's all about the blues.

And I still need a sewing machine, so I think I might have to go to the dreaded store who shall not be named 'cause now I wanna make a tutu too! (Although I found a really kewl no sew tutu too!) But there's a skirt and the curtains still and, and ...... well... I think 'cause I "Can't" use it... I have all sorts of idears ya know...?
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